A wide-ranging interview (translated from Chinese) with Global Access CSG's CEO, Michael Macaluso, providing perspective on the Chinese Economy.
Click here to view the full interview.
Humans vs Machines
Humans vs Machines: Early Days
A perspective on whether we are really facing a humans vs machines dilemma when it comes to U.S. jobs and competitiveness.
Overview of Private Investment Trends in Asia-Pacific
Recently, we explored the private equity investment climate in Southeast Asia in Next Stop, Southeast Asia and took a look at the potential implications of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in Shanghai Free Trade Zone – A New China Paradigm for Western Investors? This time around we are providing high level overview of the Asia-Pacific Region more broadly.
The Shanghai Free Trade Zone – A New China Paradigm for Western Investors?
When it comes to foreign companies, funds and investors doing business in China and positioning themselves to do business in China, the question on the minds of everyone is the significance of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. What does it mean for China, and to investment in China? We took a look.
Thomson Reuters Interview with Michael Macaluso
Michael Macaluso has seen success as the rare lawyer able to bridge the gap between the U.S. and Europe. With markets in flux and regulations fluid, capital flows to and from private equity and venture capital act as a bellwether for the evolving global economy. Macaluso sat down with Currents to discuss the evolving environment in Europe and U.S.
Click here to view the full interview.